

公司 will invest in more solar power, new technologies and will keep price and reliability at forefront

In keeping with 坦帕电’s strong history of environmental stewardship, 该公司今天宣布了到2050年实现其发电厂净零碳排放的愿景.


Since the year 2000, 坦帕电 has reduced coal usage by more than 90 percent. And over that same period, 十大网赌靠谱网址平台已经将二氧化碳排放量减少了一半,尽管电力需求增加了25%. 在提高可靠性的同时,该公司的账单也远低于全国平均水平. 十大网赌靠谱网址平台已经成为该州人均太阳能发电的领先生产商. 到目前为止, the company has installed more than 650 megawatts (MW) of solar, which generates enough energy to power 100,000个家庭, and is currently constructing another 600 megawatts. 到2023年底,十大网赌靠谱网址平台将产生足够的太阳能,为20万户家庭供电.

“坦帕电 has a long legacy of environmental leadership, and now we’re taking it even further,阿奇·柯林斯说, president and chief executive officer of 坦帕电. “Achieving this vision will require partnership – with our customers, 电力行业和利益相关者-为十大国际老虎机平台的孩子和他们的孩子改善地球. We are taking a thoughtful approach, 十大国际老虎机平台承诺,在这条道路上的每一个决定中,都要把可负担性和可靠性放在首位.”

This commitment aligns 坦帕电 with its parent company, Emera Inc., which announced a corporatewide vision for net zero by 2050. The company also joins more than two dozen investor-owned electric utilities in the U.S. that have announced intentions of net-zero emissions by 2050.

坦帕电’s Plans for a Net-Zero Carbon Future

到2050年实现净零排放的愿景需要在几个领域进行巨大的创新和关注, 包括:

Increasing the use of zero/low-carbon technologies used today. 坦帕电 has been actively investing in renewable solar energy, and that clean source will soon account for 14 percent of overall energy production. The company is committed to strategically expanding renewable capabilities, at a pace that is 负担得起的 for customers.

Investing in emerging solutions that help generate more clean energy, and supporting innovation to reduce carbon. 新兴技术将发挥关键作用,帮助十大国际老虎机平台实现其净零愿景. Innovations in both existing and new technologies, 包括碳捕获, 生物燃料, hydrogen and battery storage, may be components of its future energy portfolio. 该公司还在试验一些新概念,比如即插即用的微电网系统, renewable energy at the community level. 十大国际老虎机平台正在利用其与南佛罗里达大学的强大合作伙伴关系,进一步研究创新技术和新想法,以帮助实现净零愿景. As one of the nation’s leading research universities, 南佛罗里达大学拥有一支才华横溢的教师和学生队伍,他们可以在广泛的学科领域分享他们的专业知识,以帮助开发尖端的解决方案. By enhancing the collaboration between 坦帕电 and USF, both organizations can maximize their community impact.

Improving existing power stations. Transformative change at 坦帕电’s power stations has been happening for years. 该公司将继续在其发电机组中引入新技术,以更好地适应零燃料或低碳燃料的未来. Although the company is still researching the possibilities, it plans to make necessary modifications to keep existing equipment viable.

在短期内,该公司将继续推进将发电站从煤炭转型的项目. 作为大弯现代化项目的一部分,大弯1号机组正在重新供电,大弯2号机组将于下个月退役. When complete in late 2022, Unit 1 will be a state-of-the-art, 高效, combined-cycle natural gas unit, 能生产1,090 megawatts of electricity. Modernizing power plants improves fuel generation efficiency, which lowers fuel costs for customers and lowers emissions.

Big Bend Unit 3 will retire in April 2023, which is 18 years early. It began operating as a coal unit in 1976; natural gas was added as a secondary fuel several years ago. 为了减少碳排放和为客户省钱,该公司加快了退役进程.

Modernizing the electric grid. 十大网赌靠谱网址平台已经在采用新技术,以提高智能和效率,整合更多的分布式发电资源,并为十大国际老虎机平台的客户提供能源. 智能照明解决方案, 比如LED路灯, 与传统灯泡相比,它的碳排放更少,使用寿命更长,为十大国际老虎机平台的社区提高了安全性和空气质量. 也, implementing technologies, 比如智能电表, 允许远程访问启动或停止服务,而无需派遣卡车, which saves fuel use and vehicle emissions.

Partnering with customers and the community. 坦帕电 is closely connected to community, state and national leaders and organizations, 在他们走向更清洁的能源未来的过程中,协同工作,了解优先事项和关注的问题. Customers will also play a vital role, 通过公司的能源效率计划和太阳能解决方案减少能源消耗. As the company proceeds forward with new projects and programs to reach its goals, 它将与监管机构和利益相关者合作,协调优先事项,并保持公众知情.

有关公司优先考虑环境和采取气候行动的方法的更多信息, visit 坦帕电’s Net-Zero Vision page at www.teconetzero.com.


“在坦帕市的绿色环保承诺中,没有比TECO更重要的合作伙伴了, more sustainable community. 今天, 坦帕市, TECO和南佛罗里达大学在清洁能源的道路上迈出了一大步. 十大国际老虎机平台计划继续寻找独特的合作机会,投入城市资源,推进清洁能源技术和适应气候变化的基础设施.” ——坦帕市市长简·卡斯特

“As one of the nation’s leading research institutions, 南佛罗里达大学拥有一支人才济济的教师和学生队伍,他们正在为十大国际老虎机平台社区面临的复杂挑战开发创新的解决方案. With our leading expertise in business, 工程, sustainability and other disciplines, 南佛罗里达大学有能力与十大网赌靠谱网址平台合作,共同创造一个更清洁的能源未来.” – USF Interim President Rhea Law

“坦帕电力和EEI的其他成员电力公司正在引领清洁能源转型. 作为一个行业, we are working to get the energy we provide as clean as we can as fast as we can, 同时保持对十大国际老虎机平台服务的客户和社区至关重要的可靠性和可负担性. We understand the vital role that reliable, 负担得起的, secure and resilient clean energy plays in achieving net-zero emissions across the U.年代经济, 我赞扬十大网赌靠谱网址平台的声明以及你们为实现清洁能源的未来所作出的持续承诺.” – Edison Electric Institute President Tom Kuhn

佛罗里达州十大网赌靠谱网址平台(TECO)宣布了一项大胆的2050年承诺,进一步证明了清洁资源是如何为客户提供具有市场竞争力的能源解决方案. It’s important to utilize all clean energy sources to reach their vision, 十大国际老虎机平台很高兴能够帮助加速创新政策,这些政策将有助于创造实现其目标所需的新技术.”  – ClearPath Executive Director Rich Powell

坦帕电, one of Florida’s largest investor-owned electric utilities, 约800人,000 customers in West Central Florida. 坦帕电 is a subsidiary of Emera Inc.是一家总部位于加拿大新斯科舍省哈利法克斯的多元化能源和服务公司.


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